Tuesday 21 March 2023

What to do in the face of wisdom tooth pain?

Wisdom teeth are dental pieces that, precisely because of their location, cause various problems. The most common is related to lack of hygiene. And it is that, being in the back of the mouth, it is somewhat more complex to access them with the toothbrush. And, therefore, it is frequent that they tend to accumulate food remains.

But, in addition, another very frequent problem has to do with pain. The wisdom teeth usually appear in adulthood, when the rest of the teeth have already erupted. This fact means that, when trying to break through, they cause pain and numerous discomforts.

Having said all this, we are going to begin to remember what these dental pieces are like and what their function is in the mouth. And then we will tell you what to do when faced with wisdom tooth pain.

What are wisdom teeth?

The wisdom teeth -also known as wisdom teeth- are the third molars. They are located in the most posterior area of ​​the mouth, behind the second molars. Normally, adults have four wisdom teeth: two on the top and two on the bottom of the denture. 

As we have already pointed out, the wisdom teeth are the last teeth to erupt. And, in a large number of cases, they take many years to erupt, and when they do, they don't fully erupt. The fact that they do not come out completely, among other reasons due to lack of space, is what causes the pain and discomfort.

That being said, keep in mind that third molars do not actually have a function in the mouth. That is to say, they are not essential for our daily lives, not even for chewing. This means that the best dentist in Pitampura recommends extracting wisdom teeth as soon as they begin to cause pain or discomfort.

When do the wisdom teeth come out?

Most commonly, wisdom teeth come in between 17 and 25 years of age. This is precisely why they are called "judgment", to reflect the transition to maturity and adulthood. 

However, although they usually appear at this age, the truth is that each person can develop them at different stages. Some even never get them.

Why do wisdom teeth cause pain?

Wisdom tooth pain can be due to different causes. The most common are the following.

  • Lack of space during the eruption

Wisdom tooth pain may be due to the fact that, during the eruption process, the tooth does not have enough space to emerge. This is due to two reasons: the rest of the teeth have already erupted and the wisdom tooth is located in the back of the mouth. If it has no room to get out, it exerts force and causes a sensation of pain and pressure.

  • Pericoronitis

In some situations, during the wisdom tooth eruption process, an infection can occur due to bacterial growth in the gum area. This causes severe wisdom tooth pain, swelling, redness of the gum, and sometimes oozing pus from the infection.

  • Cavities

Once the wisdom teeth have come out, they can also cause pain. Said pain may be due to the most common oral disease: caries. Decay in wisdom teeth is common, since being located in the back of the mouth makes it more difficult to brush them and perform proper hygiene.

How to relieve wisdom tooth pain?

Wisdom teeth cause very intense pain that can even be unbearable for many people. 

Therefore, below, we are going to give you a series of tips to relieve wisdom tooth pain.

  • Lean on medication : taking analgesics and anti-inflammatories helps to calm the pain. But remember that all medication must be prescribed by a doctor or dentist in Pitampura, so check with the professional first.
  • Place cold or heat in the area : the change in temperature helps to calm the sensation of pain. To do this, the most correct procedure is to apply heat or cold for twenty minutes and rest for approximately five.
  • Maintain a thorough oral cleaning : continue brushing your teeth as normal, even if it hurts. It is essential to avoid any type of infection, since an infectious process would cause you more pain.
  • Rinse with hot water and salt : this homemade mouthwash helps soothe pain and the feeling of swelling. 

In any case, you should keep in mind that all these tips serve to relieve pain momentarily. However, as long as the eruption process continues, you are likely to experience pain. 

For this reason, it is best to go to the dental clinic in Pitampura when you begin to notice the first symptoms. That way, the best dentist in Pitampura can treat the cause of the problem and avoid a lot of pain and discomfort. 

What is the treatment for wisdom tooth pain?

In order to plan the most appropriate treatment for wisdom tooth pain, the ideal is to go to the dentist in Rani Bagh. Thus, the professional will be able to carry out an examination, issue a diagnosis and, finally, recommend a treatment plan.

First, the dentist in Saraswati Vihar will determine if there is an active infection in the area. And, in case this is the cause of the pain, she will administer an antibiotic therapy. At this point, it should be remembered that it is essential to eliminate the infection with an antibiotic before carrying out any treatment. 

In the event that the problem is caused by a cavity, the dentist in Ashok Vihar will perform a dental filling. With this, he will clean the caries, remove the damaged dental surface and place a biocompatible material to fill the tooth.

On the contrary, if the origin of the pain is due to a lack of space or a pulpitis, the solution will consist of the extraction of the wisdom tooth. This can be done by a simple extraction -in case the tooth has erupted- or by surgery -in case the molar has not erupted or has partially erupted-.


It is estimated that approximately 90% of people experience certain complications when their wisdom teeth come in. As we have already mentioned, the discomfort is most likely due to lack of space or decay, which is very common in these molars.

If you want to alleviate the pain caused by a wisdom tooth, we recommend that you follow the advice explained in this article. Of course, keep in mind that these indications serve to reduce pain at the moment.

When a wisdom tooth starts to hurt, our recommendation as professionals is always the same: go to your trusted dentist in Shalimar Bagh as soon as possible so that he can study your case and can provide you with the best possible solution to your problem.

On many occasions, wisdom tooth pain comes and goes. However, you should keep in mind that until the root of the problem is addressed, the complications will not completely stop.

Wednesday 10 August 2022

What to do if you have a dental emergency


We all know what to do in the event of a medical emergency; we can go to the nearest hospital and go to your emergency service. But, in the event that you suffer a dental emergency, what should you do?

It is clear that the ideal is to be able to go to the best dentist in Pitampura as soon as possible, but we give you some advice on what to do in the most common cases.

Severe tooth or tooth pain

Are you suddenly experiencing pain in your teeth? This could help you:

  • Rinse your mouth with lukewarm water.
  • Pass dental floss very carefully between the molars in which you have discomfort, in case you have any leftover food. Be very careful with the gums.
  • In no case use a sharp object to extract what you have between your teeth.

This pain may be from a chipped or cracked tooth; if that’s the case, talk to the best dentist in Pitampura so they can recommend the right solution.

This pain can also be due to bruxism. If that is the case, make an appointment with your dentist in Pitampura, because you will need a discharge splint.

Swelling of the face

It can be due to many causes, including a dental, bone or gum infection, so it is important that you see a dentist in Pitampura as soon as possible.

We recommend that you:

  • try not to lie down
  • Drink plenty of fluids, since by staying hydrated you can avoid possible complications in the future.

Loss of a tooth

The most important thing is that you go to a dentist in Pitampura as soon as possible. Before coming to the consultation:

  • Grab the tooth by the crown, and don’t touch the root.
  • Rinse it with water, or soak it in milk (so it won’t lose moisture)
  • Go to the dentist within an hour.
  • You can try to put it in its place but be very careful when doing it. Still, go to the dentist in Sarswati Vihar afterwards.


An abscess is an infection of the inner substance of the tooth that usually indicates that the tissue is weakened.

It’s diagnosed with an x- ray, but if you have sensitivity to hot and cold, or pain when chewing, you may have one.

In this case, the only solution is to go to your dentist in Sarswati Vihar to make a diagnosis and determine the treatment (usually an antibiotic).

There are also abscesses on the gums, which are identified as small yellow, red or whitish pimples. It will also be necessary to take an x-ray and take antibiotics.

Biting of the tongue or lip

It doesn’t usually trigger any serious conditions, but it can be painful.

We recommend that you clean the area with water and gently apply pressure to the wound with gauze. If it continues to bleed after a few minutes, seek professional help.

Orthodontic wounds

In some cases, in which patients are undergoing orthodontic treatment, they may suffer discomfort or injuries caused by the brackets.

In most cases it is due to some tip of the wires of the brackets, which rubs against the gums. In those cases, you can cover the tip with gauze or a small piece of cotton.

Bleeding in the mouth

If you detect blood in the mouth, it can be due to different causes:

  • If you see blood on your toothbrush or floss, it may be due to overly aggressive brushing, or possible gingivitis / periodontitis. If it is recurring, see your dentist in Sarswati Vihar.
  • If you detect blood in the saliva, it could be different oral conditions and we recommend that you see a specialist as soon as possible.
  • If you have bleeding after a tooth extraction or surgery, you can put gauze pads on the wound and apply pressure for about 20 minutes. If it doesn’t stop, go to your dentist in Rani Bagh or the emergency room.

Despite the recommendations, in all cases we suggest that you contact a dentist in Delhi as soon as possible. In the case of a dental emergency in Pitampura, you can go to our dental clinic in Pitampura, where we will offer you personalized treatment and suggest the best solution for your specific case.

Saturday 22 August 2020

All About Teeth Whitening in Pitampura


Learn the details about teeth whitening in Pitampura from our expert dentist, the types of treatments that exist, care and more.

“Whiter teeth are associated with youth. Having yellow or stained teeth is like having gray hair. People whiten their teeth because this procedure brightens their smile, their face comes alive, and they look more radiant "

What is a teeth whitening?

It is an aesthetic procedure that is performed by a dentist in Pitampura to restore the natural color of the teeth that has been lost due to different causes, it can even be obtained in some cases whiter than natural tones.

There are 2 bleaching agents, hydrogen peroxide and carbamide peroxide. Different manufacturers use these bleaches and offer a variety of presentations.

It is important that the whitening brand used is backed by research and testing of their products to prevent damage to the teeth.

Causes of teeth darkening

Teeth can change color for different reasons, we summarize them in two groups:

  • Extrinsic (external) causes:
    • The smoked.
    • Eating habits, including: coffee, tea, red wine, soda, etc.
    • Poor oral hygiene.
    • Some mouthwashes.
  • Intrinsic (internal) causes:
    • Genetics or family inheritance.
    • Some medications
    • Stage of life (Age).

Professional teeth whitening

If you want to whiten your teeth, it is recommended that you visit a professional dentist in Delhi for an assessment to determine which is the best teeth whitening for you, different aspects should be taken into account such as:

  • General health condition
  • If you have restorations, resins, crowns, or others since they do not whiten
  • If you suffer from tooth sensitivity
  • If you have cavities or broken teeth that need to be treated

Types of professional teeth whitening

There are several types of teeth whitening, generally they are separated into two categories, those that are performed in the dental clinic in Rani Bagh and those that the dentist in Rani Bagh delivers to apply at home.

Whitening at the dental clinic

Whitening in the dental clinic: The bleaching vital teeth is the most common teeth whitening procedure. A gel is used that is applied directly to the surface of the tooth. This product contains hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide. This whitening can be done both in the office and at home. The difference is that in the whitening in the dental clinic in Rani Bagh it allows to use a more powerful whitening gel. A specialized light activates the gel and allows the whitening to act faster.

This in-office treatment usually takes 30 to 90 minutes and will require 1 to 3 appointments. The number will depend on the method used, the severity of the stains and the intensity to be achieved.

Teeth whitening at home

This is the type of whitening that is used in case our patients have tooth sensitivity or recessions in their gums. It is used for 30 minutes a day or at night (different options for each case) for a period of 1 week, achieving a slower but more stable color change, minimizing the possibility of sensitivity due to unplanned whitening. professionally.

If your preference is to do your teeth whitening at home, a cover will be made for your teeth where the whitening gel is placed, it can be at night or for a shorter time during the day. It applies for a period of 12 or 14 days.

Teeth cleaning and whitening

Regardless of the type of teeth whitening chosen by you, it is advisable to perform a dental cleaning before whitening, since when removing tartar and stains, the teeth look clean and healthy. So, the whitening will have a better effect, says the dentist in Rani Bagh.

What should we do to keep our new color for a long time?

Basically, we must avoid pigmented foods, such as wine, black beans, beets, carbonated drinks with dark colors, etc. Regular brushing and flossing, as well as regular dental cleanings, are simple things we can do to maintain our new color for a long time.

Regardless of the technique used (in the clinic or at home), every 6 months or a year we can carry out whitening touch-ups, which allows us to smile with a pleasant white to our friends and family.

Care after whitening

During the treatment if it is whitening at home and for the next 48 hours after it is finished, either at home or in the dental clinic, you should not consume acidic, very cold or very hot foods as well as:

  • Acidic, very cold or very hot foods.
  • No Smoking.
  • Do not drink red wine.
  • Do not eat foods with soy sauce.
  • Do not take fresh blackberry, strawberry, black beans, iced tea, carrot, beets.
  • Do not drink coffee or tea.
  • Do not eat food or beverages that contain colorants: tomato sauces, chicken broth, achiote or other.

Finally, teeth whitening is not a permanent solution. The spots may reappear. The snuff and intake of food or drinks can cause bleaching begins to fade. If these sources of staining are avoided and the teeth whitening maintenance advice given at the clinic is followed, another whitening treatment may not be needed for 6 to 12 months, says the best dentist in Delhi.

Saturday 16 May 2020

Dental Malocclusion: Causes, Consequences and Treatment


What does the aesthetics of a smile refer to? In addition to the color of the teeth and the health of the gums, we must not forget to have a correct occlusion. The bite, known as dental occlusion, refers to the alignment of the teeth or, in other words, the relationship established between the upper and lower teeth. Conversely, the causes of a malocclusion may have certain consequences for the development of the teeth, jaw, and even the face, explains the best dentist in Delhi.

Correct Dental Occlusion

A perfect dental occlusion is said to be very difficult to find. We can say that a dental occlusion is optimal when the molars and premolars of both arches have perfect contact with each other when the mouth is closed, and the upper incisors cover the lower ones, supporting each other properly, says the dentist in Delhi.

The malocclusion (or abnormal bite), on the other hand, appears when for one reason or another, it does not respect that contact. It is enough that a single tooth is not in correct relationship with those around it to reach malocclusion.

Causes of Dental Malocclusion

The causes of dental malocclusion can be divided into general and local causes.

General causes

General causes include:
  • Hereditary causes (such as the shape of the jaws)
  • Genetic syndromes (e.g. Down syndrome, Turner etc.)

Local causes

The local causes are many and depend on a variety of factors.
  • One of them could be the disproportion between the size of the maxilla and the teeth.
That is, if a child's jaw is very small, his teeth may become crowded. An example of this would be when the extraction of a baby tooth (caused by caries or trauma) at the dental clinic in Rani Bagh, and the neighboring teeth take their place. Later when that permanent tooth comes out it won't have enough space.
  • Another possible cause could be the disproportion between the maxilla and mandible.
If the maxilla is larger than the jaw, the upper teeth may grow larger than the lower teeth, leading to an overbite. Otherwise, when the jaw is larger, the lower teeth cover the upper teeth, which is called the anterior crossbite.
  • Other causes
Other factors that lead to malocclusion are the habit of sucking, whether during prolonged breastfeeding, of the finger, tongue, lip or pacifier and also bruxism.

The mouth breathing associated with adenotonsillar hypertrophy or allergic rhinitis can also be causes of malocclusion, explains the dentist in Rani Bagh.

Symptoms and Signs of Malocclusion


The most typical signs of malocclusion are mainly aesthetic due to dental crowding or an abnormal bite (upper or lower overbite) with visible consequences on the face.

On the other hand, mild malocclusions do not produce any type of symptoms. However, the bass can affect bite, chewing, speech, or eating problems, says the dentist in Saraswati Vihar.

Consequences of Malocclusion

Although a large number of malocclusions do not seriously affect health, they should be treated during adolescence so as not to distort the appearance of the teeth and the shape of the face in the future. We are not only talking about functional but also aesthetic consequences that could lead to psychological and emotional problems such as lack of self-esteem, anxiety or depression, says the dentist in Delhi.

In severe cases, the functionality of the teeth, mouth or jaw could be affected since malocclusion could cause difficulty chewing certain foods and proper cleaning cannot be carried out. From here periodontal diseases appear, such as gingivitis or periodontitis and/or dental caries, warns the best dentist in Delhi.

Likewise, if the teeth are misaligned and there is not a correct bite, the temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ) develops, accompanied by severe pain and the inability to open the mouth sufficiently.

Finally, a malocclusion can lead to conditions at the cranial level (migraines, headaches, etc.) or the spinal column, states the best dentist in Pitampura.

Treatment of Malocclusion

The orthodontist in Pitampura is the one in charge of treating the malocclusion. Before starting treatment, the orthodontist will need to conduct a case study with:
  • Questions about current health status.
  • Examine both teeth and tissues.
  • Dental X-rays and photos (extraoral and intraoral).
  • Intraoral scanner to carry out the digital impression, preview the movements of the teeth and also the duration of the treatment.

Depending on the type of malocclusion, traditional brace orthodontics may be recommended by the best orthodontist in Pitampura (do not worry because there are different aesthetic types from which you can choose) for a period of 2 years (or more) or invisible orthodontics.

Wednesday 4 March 2020



Surely you have always wanted to wear a bright white smile, but you have annoying dental stains that prevent it.

Our teeth may have different shades depending on factors such as natural wear, food or beverage dyes or improper oral hygiene.

Would you like to have them whiter? The best dentist in Delhi gives you some recommendations for you to get it. Do not miss it!

What types of dental stains exist?

There are several types of dental stains, and some are easier to remove than others. According to their typology, they can be:
  • Superficial stains: those that are found in the spaces between the teeth or on the surface of cracked pieces. They usually have a brown colour and are usually produced by the intake of food and colour drinks (coffee, tea, soft drinks...). They also appear for tobacco use. They can be removed with teeth whitening in Pitampura.
  • Intrinsic stains: they are in the dental structure itself and are usually gray. They have different causes: genetics, diseases, medications, etc... and are difficult to remove.
  • Soft deposits: they are normally white and settle on the outside of the enamel. The main cause is the accumulation of bacterial plaque in the mouth.

According to their colour, they are classified into:
  • Brown spots: they are the most common, and are produced by the consumption of tobacco, alcohol, coffee or tea. All these products alter the balance of the bacterial flora and favour the formation of plaque. They are usually the easiest to eliminate.
  • White spots: they can be caused by several causes, from poor nutrition, even as a result of tooth decay or excess fluoride during childhood. They are usually complex to remove.
  • Yellow spots: they are mostly linked to the consumption of acidic foods or some medications (tetracyclines).

How can I avoid the appearance of stains on the teeth?

We can take some preventive measures to avoid, as much as possible, that spots appear on our teeth:
  • Always brush your teeth after eating and drinking (especially if it's coffee or tea). If you can use an electric brush, floss and mouthwash, the better.
  • If you can't brush your teeth, rinse your mouth as soon as you finish eating or drinking.
  • Use toothpaste with a little teeth whitener.
  • Use a drinking straw to avoid contact of the liquid with the teeth.
  • Visit your dentist in Delhi regularly (every 6 months) to perform a dental prophylaxis.
  • Avoid the consumption of tobacco, coffee, tea, wine, soft drinks and food with too much colour.

I have stains on my teeth; How can I remove them?

As we have seen before, dental stains have different origins and causes and, depending on what type your dentist in Rani Bagh can propose the right treatment for you.

We recommend that you make an appointment at the dental clinic in Rani Bagh so that we can assess your specific case.

In general, some of the treatments that are usually carried out to remove dental stains are:

Dental prophylaxis

It is the easiest and fastest treatment, with which you can get rid of the easiest stains to remove such as those caused by tobacco or coffee. This is a dental cleaning, about 50 minutes long, which also includes cleaning with a special paste and a bicarbonate air-polisher.

Teeth whitening

Thanks to a teeth whitening treatment in Delhi, you can remove the most complex stains and wear an even more radiant smile. We recommend a combination of treatment at home and in the clinic (with cold light lamp)


Depending on the type of stains, these may not disappear with the treatments discussed above, and the only solution may be the use of dental veneers in Delhi. They can be porcelain or composite, and give very good results.

Thursday 27 February 2020

Dental Caries: Types and Treatment


Dental caries is the gradual disintegration of dental tissues due to the incidence of bacteria that lodge on its surface. The destruction of the teeth by caries action is mostly given by the lifestyle, that is; In hygiene habits, the food we eat, the toothbrushes and toothpastes we use - or, we DO NOT use - and even the hereditary line can play a role in the sensitivity of tooth decay, explains the best dentist in Delhi.

Although children are more likely to get tooth decay because of their weakness in dairy - candy and also because the enamel layer is thinner.

Adults can also run the same risk especially if there is excessive consumption of caffeine and cigarettes.

To explain this, there are several types of dental caries that can affect people of different ages:

Types of dental caries

Crown caries: these are the most common type of caries. It can be visualized on the chewing surface, or between each of the teeth. It affects both children and adults.

Root caries: over the years, the gums are modified becoming less and less resistant, they gradually retract what the tooth root exposes and since they do not have an enamel coating, they are more susceptible to caries.

Recurrent caries: proliferate greatly on the crowns, since in these areas dental plaque accumulates more strongly.

In all these cases the level of severity is almost the same. If cavities are not treated in time, the next thing that happens is that they will end up damaging the teeth from the inside to the outside. Within that period the so-called abscesses (infection at the root of the tooth) can be formed. For these cases the only viable treatments are surgery, and endodontics (Root Canal Treatment in Rani Bagh).


In adults, a disorder that can lead to tooth decay is dry mouth. This disorder can be caused by the consumption of medications or by radiation therapy treatments in cancer patients.

Dental caries can be aggravated according to the patient. If oral care is minimal, the next thing that happens is that the person experiences an increase in the number of cavities.

When dental plaque is formed and it is not eliminated with good hygiene habits, cavities get stronger. It is advisable to have an annual consultation or twice a year with the dentist in Rani Bagh to prevent gum disease, enamel loss and tooth decay.

The types of caries can be identified by the dentist with the use of X-rays at the dental clinic in Rani Bagh.

Causes of tooth decay

The formation of caries is progressive, it is given according to the habits of each person. That said, then some of its causes are mentioned:

Plate Formation:
It is a thin transparent mantle that covers the denture, it is created with the excessive consumption of sugary foods and drinks combined with poor oral hygiene, two aspects that if they come together lead to the formation of tartar that accumulates in the bases of the gums as a strong barrier that hinders the destruction of the bacteria that cause many oral diseases.

Plaque Attacks:
The acidic elements that make up the dental plaque destroy the enamel minerals, causing erosion of the teeth. By crossing this first barrier, the bacteria form a chorus around the dentin, a thinner layer that is not very resistant to acids. The dentin is designed to house tiny ducts that connect it to the nerve of the tooth causing extreme sensitivity to food temperatures and flavors.

Continuous Destruction:
The critical stage in the progress of caries is when they happen to enter the inside of the tooth where the “pulp” is located or what is equal the amount of vessels and nerves, in this period the person experiences a greater degree of pain and inflammation due to the spread of the infection throughout the tooth.


The treatment is subject to the phase in which cavities are found, so it is essential to have a consultation every so often to avoid problems of major caries.

When it is an initial caries, the specialist removes the affected area with the help of tools and places a filling in the treated area.

On the other hand, if tooth decay has invaded the dental pulp, the dentist in Delhi proceeds to perform a root canal treatment, getting rid of the nerve.

And for the most critical cases, the dentist can remove the affected tooth and replace it with a piece that suits the patient.

Hygiene is a key point in the prevention of dental caries. Brushing your teeth properly and after eating food and before going to sleep is the first step to attack the root problem, avoiding the accumulation of plaque and oral diseases.

Replacing the toothbrush every two or three months is another way to create a protective barrier on the teeth, this prevents the proliferation of bacteria on the bristles of the brush, and after a while it wears out and loses its function.

Choose a good fluoride toothpaste, as well as flossing and mouthwashes.

Avoid consuming sugary foods and drinks excessively. In addition, it is not recommended to eat them between meals as this exposes the tooth to the acid in the bacteria. That's why it's better to consume them outside of meals and brush your teeth after that.

The next step to prevent tooth decay is the custom of attending the dentist in Delhi at least once or twice a year.

This also depends on the recommendation made by the specialist. With a premature diagnosis, the need to have to undergo major treatments that can lead to extensive processes and higher costs is avoided.

Monday 10 February 2020

What are dental veneers? What are they for? What are the advantages and disadvantages?


Dental veneers are one of the most recurrent dental beauty treatments. That's why, in today's post, the best dentist in Delhi is going to tell you what they are, what they're for, how they're placed, and what their pros and cons are.

What are dental veneers?

The dental veneer is a small, thin sheet of porcelain usually, although it can also be of other materials such as composite, which adheres to the front of the tooth to mask or cover problems.

Dental veneers, also known as dental facets or aesthetic veneers, are aesthetic reconstructions of porcelain (or composite) aimed at improving the external image of the denture, since they allow to visually modify the shape, brightness, color and mask various oral pathologies, explains the dentist in Delhi.

There are several types of dental veneers in Delhi, but the most well-known or used are:
  • Composite dental veneers: This is a non-invasive treatment, as these are made directly on our teeth, applying the material on the visible part and shaping it until the desired appearance is achieved. That is, layers of composite are added to the surface of the tooth. In addition, for placement it is not necessary to carve the tooth, making it possible for them to be placed without the need for anesthesia.
  • Porcelain dental veneers: This is a thin sheet of porcelain that is placed on the visible part of the tooth. Its functionality is to modify the appearance of the tooth in color, shape and brightness. In addition, they are resistant and allow to eat normally.

What are dental veneers for?

Dental veneers are an ideal choice in situations where the original teeth have a dark color and irregular shapes.

They are also a good choice for fractured teeth, gaps between the teeth and for some situations where the position of the teeth is compromised and there are minor problems related to occlusion.

For some people, surface stains don't respond well to tooth whitening. In these situations, a porcelain veneer may also be the best option.

That is why dental veneers have as their main function the dental aesthetic, since they allow to coat the dental parts making see a perfect denture.

But, yes, it is not a solution to oral health problems, since it is only an aesthetic treatment that masks but does not solve those problems, says the dentist in Delhi.

How are veneers placed?

Unlike the holsters or crowns, where the reduction of healthy tooth tissue is very aggressive, to place veneers a slight spraying of the front enamel of the tooth will be enough to allow the adhesion of the dental veneer. So it is a much more conservative treatment.

Once the veneers are attached to the tooth, the tooth-veneer assembly acquires a fracture resistance comparable to that of an intact tooth. So, we could understand, that a ceramic dental veneer is the synthetic substitute for tooth enamel.

Before we start the dental aesthetic treatment, we perform a study of the aesthetics of your mouth that is according to the rest of your facial physiognomy. To do this we use photographs, technological applications such as Digital Smile Design and models of your mouth.

So we can show you a very approximate result of your final smile before we start.

Then we will only need 2 sessions for the placement of the veneers:
  1. First session: Once the treatment to be carried out has been agreed between the dentist in Rani Bagh and the patient, the preparation of the teeth and the molding of the mouth is carried out in order to make the veneers. On this same visit, a temporary veneers will be placed to avoid the deterioration of the preparation of the teeth.
  2. Second session: On this second visit to our dental clinic in Rani Bagh the dental veneers are attached one by one on the patient's teeth.
What are the pros and cons of dental veneers?

Unlike everyone, let's start with the drawbacks or disadvantages of aesthetic veneers, so that after reading the advantages a better taste of the mouth will be ;)

Inconveniences of dental veneers
  • Dental sensitivity: You may feel a little tooth sensitivity for the first few days after your treatment, as your teeth have been prepared to adhere to cosmetic veneers.
  • In case of breakage, wear or deterioration: If the damage is small, it can be repaired and modified. But in case there is a lot of damage, it is advisable to change the dental veneer. But for this to happen is very unusual.
Few inconveniences, huh?

Advantages of dental veneers
  • Natural and beautiful appearance: Being thin layers that are placed on the vestibular surface of the anterior teeth, they provide a natural and very beautiful appearance. In addition, with porcelain veneers, a natural glow is returned to the tooth.
  • Biocompatible material: Dental veneers are often made from biocompatible materials. This means that they are materials tolerated very well by the dental and non-dental tissues of our mouth.
  • Correction of alterations: These help correct alterations in the size, color and shape of the teeth. It can improve the color of teeth, may be an alternative treatment to orthodontics for mild tooth malposition and may help improve tooth size.
  • Highly resistant: Aesthetic veneers are very resistant and the patient's customs or habits are not altered by their placement.
  • It's a treatment with a very short process.